SignOff Approver Rule for Targeted Certification not running

Hi all

For Targeted certification, I am working on adding a Manager as approver, once the original certifier certifies the access review. But the rule I am using is not running at all ( Don’t see any logs)

I have added the rule as below

import sailpoint.object.Identity;
// This requires approval all the up the manager hierarchy. Once we get
// to the most senior manager, approvals stop.
Identity identity = certifier.getManager();
if (identity != null) {
Map results = new HashMap();
results.put(“identity”, identity);
return results;
} else {
return null;

Not sure why the rule is not triggered


Targeted Certification does not support SignOff Approver rule. if you want multi level review then you might need to use other type of certifications.

Hi @pravin_ranjan, thanks

Its not mentioned anywhere in the documentation
And they also are providing option for signOff approver rule. What is that rule supposed to do

Is there any way I can do it in targeted certification ?

i don’t see any options yet, but will take a look again.

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@maniG signOff approver rule should be visible under advanced options. pls ignore my previous message.

Updating more details, sometimes we noticed if user has missing email then it won’t work.