Shared Mailbox aggregation as entitlements

We’re currently using sailpoint iiq 8.4. We are aggregating shared mailboxes as entitlements using Azure AD connector. Only SendAs and FullAccess entitlements are being aggregated. We’re unable to aggregate/see any shared mailbox with sendOnBehalf. Any suggestions?

check this thread :

Solved: Aggregating sharedMailbox from Azure AD - Compass


Shared mailboxes as entitlements on Azure connector - Identity Security Cloud (ISC) / ISC Discussion and Questions - SailPoint Developer Community

Hi Ranjan, Thank you for your response. We are aggregating the sharedMailBox as per the link you have shared. We’re able to see “SendAs” and “FullAccess” entitlements, but not “sendOnBehalf”. We’re not sure why we’re not able to see/aggregate “sendOnBehalf”.

@Spoorthy_m I doubt the connector supports sendOnBehalf in sailpoint. let me check one more time tomorrow.

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Hi all,
I am also working towards ISC with Azure AD connector and able to aggregrate the SharedMailBox entitlements like sendAs, FullAccess but I am not sure what are the entitlements that I should provision to an identity which will inturn give access to the specific sharemailbox because just adding sendAs or fullAccess does not give.
Thank you.