Setting a run rule task to be triggered on multiple hosts

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Version 8.4

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Is there anyway that we can trigger this in the run rule task to run on multiple hosts for the same task? Otherwise if there is anyway we can write this in a rule to iterate through all the UI and task host etc ?

The requirement is: the rule will pick up a file from a source and these files are downloaded into the hosts. We expect every host to have the same file and this should not be explicitly stated to indicate the exact host name but based on the number of UI and task servers available.

I have tried to search through the community page but the solution does not fit our use case.

Can you clarify, your requirement is to save the file to all the UI and task servers within SailPoint ?

Hi Satish, yes to save all files to UI and task servers within SailPoint.

I don’t think you can have a direct way to do this, create rule which triggers the Task definition on all the hosts or a rule that executes the same logic on all your SailPoint hosts one after the other.

Create a rule with below steps

1.Get the Hosts from Server Object which are active

  1. Iterate through each of the host names and within the set the attributes of task definition as well in the code, along with regular attributes , set the attribute to the name of host which you are iterating and after the run the Task using the API of TaskManager mentioned below

run(java.lang.String name, Attributes<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> args)
Launch a task immediately, with TaskDefinition specified by name.

Launch a task immediately, with TaskDefinition specified by name.

  1. Make this rule as a task, or other way is just include above logic ( apart from task execution) in your existing rule

This actually run the rule against all the servers within IIQ which are configured as Task/Request but if you want to have this on UI server as well I don’t think this will work

Also can you share how your task and Request service definition looks like, are all your servers both task and request configured or you have servers which are just UI ( not configured either task or Request) ?

Make a TaskRule that calls this other TaskRule, edditign the TaskDefinition attributes.

Ez pizi.

It would recommend to use NFS / EFS / shared path for any files which need to be shared between the multiple hosts.

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