ServiceNownot generating RITMS due to this error

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

[Replace this text with your version of IIQ. The more specific you can be (7.1, 8.3, 8.X), the more people can help. If you do not know, put Unsure.] -8.2p4

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Share all details about your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

*We are getting error everytime we request in sailpoint. sailpoint.connector.ConnectionFailedException: [ ConnectionFailedException ] [ Possible suggestions ] a) Ensure that the IT Service Desk System is up and running. b) Ensure that the connection between the Identity Server and IT Service Desk System is stable. [ Error details ] Request execution failed. PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Hi @pbobadil ,

first of all I think we would require more details in order to enable us to properly help you.
E. g. about customizations in the workflow, what is requested etc.

However from what I can see in the log extract you posted it seems that IIQ is not possible to connect to a “target” system, in your case it may be ServiceNow.
You have to amend to Java Key Store to allow IIQ to verify the trust chain to connect to Service Now.

You should be able to retrieve the necessary data/certificates from your organisation, probably starting to ask the SNOW custodians.

Let us know if if worked.

Best regards,