Searching source aggregation past events - CC API (success) via v3/beta (not found any)

We use CC API for collecting the particular source aggregation latest results and correcting the next aggregation type and option running very intensively.

In a case of bad IDM status when IDN UI was not responded we also used that API for stopping and killing the running or pending scheduled aggregations.

We use CC API calls like that:

Object output is like that:

id          : 5059XYZ 
status      : SUCCESS
timestamp   : 2023-04-12T23:20:08Z
dateCreated : 2023-04-12T23:20:08Z
details     : @{name=Cloud Account Aggregation - 2794fd438eed4ee3a8e56b4e309cABCD; description=; messages=; attributes=; completed=168134304ABCD; id=6c56977886b4467690c85b3ea3e2ABCD; launched=168134160ABCD; status=Success}
user        : @{alias=IdentityNow[ABCD]; externalId=2c9180846e42e160016e46709814ABCD; displayName=[ABCD] IdentityNow}
object      : @{id=315XYZ; externalId=2c9180888019866501802c2dfe32ABCD; type=source; displayName=Active Directory [ABCD]}

Surprisingly I was not able to get any CLOUD_ACCOUNT_AGGREGATION events using v3 or beta API Search interface.

@colin_mckibben, could you kindly check internally please - does it mean the list of events we could find via Search API interface is limited and does not include many types of IDN existing events including but not limited event type CLOUD_ACCOUNT_AGGREGATION?

Question: could someone help provide a correct Search API query that will return event type : CLOUD_ACCOUNT_AGGREGATION records?


There was some discussion in the past about very useful aggregation related CC API.