I was wondering if there is a way to get a list of users who have not logged into tenant for past 120 days
Hi Nitesh, may I ask what the use case you’re attempting to solve is?
While I am not a developer, I can see what information I am able to find for you internally. I did manage to find that many customers utilize AD’s lastLogonTimestamp and/or utilize lifecycle states for a similar effect.
See a solved developer community post that is related:
If you can provide the specific use case you’re attempting to address I can determine which resources may be relevant for you here.
Thanks @ryan_cutter
This is a requirement from a client who likes to run this search once in a while to check user login activity to IDN tenant.
We have already setup 2 attributes (one for last login to AD and one for SAP) in Identity Profile and created a search query that checks the login activity based on these 2 attributes. However, I was wondering if there is any other way or place to get a report purely based on login activity to the tenant
I see. Unfortunately, I do not believe there is a native capability for activity data in IdentityNow just yet.
That said, I did find this In Discovery Idea - SaaS Activity Data and Identity Security - Compass (sailpoint.com)
While we work to see if there are any potential workarounds - you and/or your client may benefit from sharing your use case with the product manager, Patrick Ponseti. His Calendly link is available on the post linked above!
Sorry it’s not a solution quite yet, but we will see what we can find out in the meantime!
If you are using single sign on you can probably get that information from your IDP.
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