Script to assign role

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Version 8.3

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Hi I have a problem with filter. I try to write a script which will assign roles to filtered identities. I want my identities to be in Accounting Department and work more than half of day. This is my code:

import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions;
import sailpoint.object.Filter;
import sailpoint.object.Identity;
import java.util.Iterator;
QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions();
String accounting = "Accounting";
Filter f1 = Filter.eq("department", accounting);
long millisBefore = 43200000l;
long today = System.currentTimeMillis();
long diff = today - millisBefore;
Date d = new Date(diff);
Filter f2 = Filter.le("created", d);
Filter f = Filter.and(f1, f2);
Iterator it =,qo);
if(it.hasNext()) {
   return true;
return false;

As the result, all my identities have this role, the filter is not working. I have tried also assign role to identities who work less than 30 days and it also does not work (because all my identities get this role again):

import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions;
import sailpoint.object.Filter;
import sailpoint.object.Identity;
import java.util.Iterator;
long millisBefore = 30*86400000l;
long today = System.currentTimeMillis();
long diff = today - millisBefore;
Date d = new Date(diff);
QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions();
Filter created ="created", d);
Iterator it =,qo);
if(it.hasNext()) {
   return true;
return false;

Does anyone see which part of my code is incorrect?

Hi Aleksandra,

Your script appears to be attempting to query for identities that belong to the “Accounting” department and were created within the last 12 hours.

If you want to assign the roles then you need to add:

while (it.hasNext()) {
    Identity identity =;
 // Commit the changes
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When I have changed last lines in my code to your code I got this error:
BeanShell script error: bsh.EvalError: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions; import sailpoint.object.Filter; import sai . . . '' Token Parsing Error: Lexical error at line 17, column 20. Encountered: "\u201c" (8220), after : "" : at Line: 13 : in file: inline evaluation of: import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions; import sailpoint.object.Filter; import sai . . . ‘’ : Iterator it = context .search ( Identity .class , qo ) BSF info: script at line: 0 column: columnNo
What is more, I cannot see method addRole for identity in javadoc. I have found method addRoleAssignment but I don’t know what to give as an argument, because actually I am writing this code in Role Assignment.

Hi @alexstatie22

So the rule type used is IdentitySelector rule these are the arguments it takes. Additionally it takes the roleName(String) as an argument. It returns true/false based on whether the identity meets the criteria set.

Hi @amaliszewska

On top of the above great suggestions I would like to add.

Perhaps you could try logging the “filter” to see what is returned. I am assuming the filter is returning both identities created after “d” date and identities in department “Accounting” seperately. You could easily verify this by check if any identity with department not equal to “Accounting” and created older than “d” was assigned the role.

Perhaps you wish to use collectionConditions or join in your filters: Filters and Filter Strings - Compass (

This is an example of the rule

import sailpoint.object.Identity;
if ("APAC".equals(identity.getRegion()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

Similarly, you could get the attribute department by using the getAttribute() method on the identity and then calculate the date as you calculated in the first rule. Then use a conditional if block to return true if both criteria of department and hours worked are met, otherwise return false.

For the second rule use the method getCreated() to fetch the date on which the identity was created and then return true if the criteria mentioned in the second rule is met.

I hope this helps. If this resolves you problem please let me know by liking this reply and marking it as the solution.


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“\u201c” (8220) is a left double quotation mark (“)
Make sure that you are using standard double quotation marks (") in your script

Also,here’s an example of Role Assignment:

Iterator it =, qo);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Identity identity =;
RoleAssignment roleAssignment = new RoleAssignment();
roleAssignment.setRole(role); // Replace ‘role’ with the role object you want to assign

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When I was using this filter identities with deparment different than “Accounting” and created before “d” also were assigned to this role. I don’t know why my filters are not working actually, because I would like to assign role to identities in “Accounting” department and created after “d” and I am using filter with method and so I think it should work.

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I would like to use Filters in my script not if actually.

How should I replace ‘role’ in method setRole? I have tried by using name and it doesn’t work. Can you help me?

The department filter works, but I think the date filter doesn’t. Try if this works:
The rule checks:

  • Identity created more than 12 hours back workFlag = true (workFlag is false by default)
  • Belonging to the “Accounting” department (This condition is not evaluated if the first condition is not being met and by default return false)
import sailpoint.object.QueryOptions;
import sailpoint.object.Filter;
import sailpoint.object.Identity;
import java.util.Iterator;

QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions();

String idDept = "Accounting";

Date idCreated=identity.getCreated();

// Calculate the duration since the identity was created
long durationInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - idCreated.getTime();

// Define the duration for half a day (12 hours)
long halfDayInMillis = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

boolean workFlag = false;

if (durationInMillis > halfDayInMillis) {
    workFlag = true; // Identity worked for more than half a day
} else {
    workFlag = false; // Identity did not work for more than half a day

if (workFlag == true) {
Filter deptF= Filter.eq("department", idDept);


Iterator it =, qo);

if (it.hasNext()) {
    return true;

return false;
} else
return false;

Ways of getting roles:
Bundle role=context.getObjectByName(Bundle.class,rolename);
Bundle role=context.getObjectById(Bundle.class,roleId);


I still have the same result - everyone got these role, even if they are not working in Accounting department.

Could you test his in another dev environment, could be an environment problem, your initial rule may have also not worked, if this was an environment problem.

If I would like use if conditions for my script, not Filter, should I use Iterator to run my code for every identity? I would like to have code with two if conditions and assign my role to identities for which these conditions are true.

You will still need to iterate through identities to assign roles if the conditions are true. So, yes