Scope security for Personal Access Tokens

I need to provide read only access to a vendor for integration. Service account only needs access to read few identity Attributes. What scope I need to assign to the client ID to grant them read only access? I understand sp:scopes:all will give token full access as the account I am using to create token has admin rights.

Thank you
Haresh Patel

Referring to this

Helpdesk seems like the one with least access among admins

And Scope idn:identity:read for View identities allows only ../identities/ API

Thanks Nitesh,

I was able to make it work with Report Admin, as they don’t allow any updates. HelpDesk Admin allows you to enable/disable/unlock accounts.

However, I was looking for it to control the access with scope, without using scope:all. Though it looks like, I will have to assign scope:all to client ID and control the access with role assigned to the account.

Haresh Patel

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