SCIM Server as part of PAM/Cyberark setup not see new AD groups

IIQ version: 8.3p3

We setup CyberArk connection with our PAM module. We are able to add older AD Groups to existing safes without problems. But we get an error on newly created AD groups. CyberArk see the new AD group after 5-15 minutes. But the SCIM server does not see it. The time it takes for the SCIM to see the group is over 3-4 days. The error is below.

2024-08-27T10:40:56,478 ERROR http-nio-8080-exec-9 sailpoint.provisioning.PlanEvaluator:2799 - {“schemas”:[“urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error”],“status”:500,“detail”:“ITATS003E User or Group CYPAS_App1_Test1 has not been defined.”}

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