i’m working on a functionality wherein im using SCIM call to launch an IIQ WF. However, as i have got a wait on a step in the IIQ WF , that gets shows to me in the SCIM call output (as “workflowSummary” and “workflowCaseId”) instead of the actual WF output variables which get calculated towards the end of the WF.
Most likely this is because the SCIM call won’t wait for the Workflow to continue processing in order to return a response. You might have to create a custom REST endpoint so that your external system can periodically poll IdentityIQ to see if the Worklfow has completed.
Is there a way to set when SCIM call should return response when the called workflow has wait step?
I am using SCIM call to start a IIQ workflow, which has wait step. and I noticed the SCIM call returned around 30 secs while the workflow has not completed yet. Wondering if I can adjust the response time to 20 secs. Thank you!