Scheduled Tasks Not Loading

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?


Not sure what happened, but our Scehduled Tasks are no longer loading with the below error in the logs:
“Unable to load schedule objects. Exception: Comparison method violates its general contract!”

How does this get remediated? They all still show in debug, just not the UI

Did you recently upgrade to version 8.4p1? Does the error provide more detailed information?

Hi @Alyson_Trad,

check if the taskDefinition of Scheduled Tasks exist.

Also, take a look on this topic.

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Hi @Alyson_Trad

Please, first that all check that you server is cofigured as Task server. You can check it in About page of IdentityIQ, “Task Scheduler Status” details.

Please refer to following topic for more details

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