We have a user who is rehired and we can see 2 Successfactor (HR) accounts.
one active (new-enable) and one inactive (old-disable) account.
user is onboarded as rehire employee or contractor but manager correlation is pulling manager from old (inactive) SF account.
this is found to be only a issue with rehires.
how to handle this in source manger correlation or in identity profile or need to change picklist ?
If you have two entries in your Auth source, if possible, please bring in only the active users(rehires will be a part of this list)
If the above is not an option, and you have to bring in both accounts, this will result in two identities with the same details but different cloudLifeCycleStates. So, you may need to write a correlation logic that includes looking at cloudLifeCycleStates or what ever is the attribute that’s separating the old and new accounts and making the correlation.
no, it is not possible to segregate user accounts - it hold s all active inactive accounts and successfactors brings both as this is how connector is configured by sailpoint.
I am inferring that success Factoes is your source of identity data
So, unless there is an inbuilt solution in the documentation, I would opt for a correlation rule that considers only the manager from the active account.
You can use a manager correlation rule to address this issue. In the rule you can fetch both accounts and return/set the manager id of the active account only.