SAP Direct Connector Connection Error

Hi Team,
I am working with SAP Direct Connector.
Sailpoint documentation mentions “SAP JCO version 3.1.x libraries, along with sapjco3.dll (on Microsoft Windows) or (on UNIX), must be present in the java.library.path directory on the host.” here the host refers to Virtual Appliance or SAP? And where this file needs to be stored ? Kindly advise
Thanks in advance!

Hi Sanjay,
At the base configuration page you should be able to upload the files!

Hi Yan,
Thank you for the response.

While connecting for the first time, there are prerequisites mentioned in the documentation to save dll file, where that file needs to be saved ?

I can be wrong but you don’t need save any files for IDN integration, maybe with IIQ. At least for me wasn’t necessary!
Once you download the files at SAP files just upload in IDN.

For IDN you must download the Linux (for Intel compatible processors) . as documented at Obtaining the Custom Connector Files Required for SAP and SAP HR Sources/Connectors

Hi guys! You have to choose between .so or .dll files. If SAP is hosted in Linux, then you have to add the .so file. If SAP is installed on Windows, you will need the .dll.

This is because the real SAP calls are at the Operative System level.

sapjco3.jar must be always present, and this is a Java wrapper that interfaces between client (IDN in this case) and Operative System calls to SAP. That`s why the second file must be if SAP is in Linux, or libsapjco2.dll if is on Windows.

Hi Julian,
Thank you for the response @jsosa

In our case , SAP is installed on Windows. But where should we save this .dll file , which directory ? Can you pls help to provide the exact location?
Thanks in advance.

Hi Sanjay, I am trying to understand the JCo stack.


From the image, it seems that this stack is from the SAP client (in this case, this should be the VA). As VA is linux, there should be enough to have uploaded the jar (the JCo Java API layer on the diagram), and the (that should handle from Middleware layer to JNI).

I think I misunderstood the entire process before, because it seems to be applied to the SAP client, not the SAP server (so I does not know why should dll be required for IDN).

If you have uploaded the jar and the so files, have you tried to connect to SAP? In this cases it helped me too much to make these tests with ccg.log opened, and someone from SAP team to monitor from their side.

A good test, is to ask SAP admin to grant the SAPALL role to the connection user, of course temporarily and only to make these testes. Many errors come when they assign incorrect permissions to the connection user.

Thank you for your help. We do not need to save the dll file or on the host. We just have to upload the files in UI. Thank you @jsosa @coelhoya2 for your help.

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