Sandbox sailpoint CLI setup not working

we are setting the environment in sailpoint CLI through powershell. its working for production but same set of commands are not working for sandbox environment

Please check below the commands we used for prod which worked :

  • sail set pat
  • sail set auth pat
  • sail environment
  • sail environment set

Below is the error we are getting while doing same for sanbox
PS C:\Users\yrathod\Desktop\sail_2.0.2_windows_amd64\bin> ./sail conn list
Error: failed to retrieve access token. status 401 Unauthorized

We have entered correct client ID and secret for setting up the env

Coukd you please help here?

Hi @yogita_rathod8 , can you share more details about the error i.e. what is the response body for 401 error?

Thanks Shailee for the reply.

I dont have more error details except this

Hi Yogita,

Usually, 401 error means something wrong with clientID and clientSecret. Can you check the environment values that are set

Yes we have created new personal token and added the same.

Okay. Do note that PAT Token has an expiry, so they will get expired and you will need to get the new token after that.

Please check if below scope is added on the PAT


Hi all this is resolved. it was mostly due to old token and also i had set environment variable manually again in settigs which caused this to not work

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