Salesforce: Multivalued custom attribute split by ; needs to be displayed in rows with single value in each row while source aggregation

Hi team,
We have Multivalued custom attribute split by ; . And this is marked and Entitlement multivalued. When aggregated the source there is single row displayed with many values. But we need to split values and display them in each row. Sample as below.
Input :
Lock_Distributor-LeadVR;Actual Date Blank on Milestone;Allow Negative Hours on Timecard

Actual Date Blank on Milestone
Allow Negative Hours on Timecard

Can anyone suggest on this.

Hi @nandiniks,

The ability to customize attributes aggregated by OOTB Connectors (including Salesforce) in ISC is quite limited.

I’ve created a SailPoint Idea that addresses this issue. Unfortunately, it has been marked as a ‘Future Consideration,’ and no ETA has been provided. In IdentityIQ, there’s a feature that allows adding a ResourceObjectCustomizationRule to any connector. This enables you to modify the resource object pulled from the target application - so in your case, you could adjust the custom attribute.

You might need to speak to SailPoint directly to explore potential customizations they can offer. If that doesn’t work out, you could consider building the Salesforce Connector as a WebServiceConnector and use a WebServiceAfterOperationRule to modify the custom attribute.

Hope this helps.

Hi @nandiniks,

If the source attribute is not a multivalued type then it won’t be shown as multi valued in the account details.
Could you please let me know for what purpose that you need these values?
If it’s for using inside role criteria, then you can use contains operator in the role criteria to check the values


hi Mohammed,

This is custom attribute of entitlement type with multivalues. We need to split these values into different rows because when UserAccessReview campaigns scheduled, the control owner is unable to approve/reject single entry. he is seeing all the values in single row which leads to conflict while taking decision.



"type": "rule",

"attributes": {

    "name": "Split Custom Attribute",

    "operation": "transform",

    "input": {

        "source": "Special_Permissions__c" 


    "script": "var attributeValue = source;\nif (attributeValue && attributeValue.trim() !== \"\") {\n    var splitValues = attributeValue.split(/\\s*;\\s*/);\n    return splitValues;\n} else {\n    return [];\n}"


"name": "splitCustomAttributeRule"


will this work for trasnform rule? Can anyone help on this.

You cannot achieve this in OOTB salesforce connector but if you really want to achieve this use case, use webservice source and use rule to split entitlement attribute. This will work for sure.