Salesforce : Failed to disable the accounts on salesforce whose account is NSP reviewer
When user is terminated, his salesforce accounts should be disabled but getting below error.
["Cannot complete this operation. Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Nobuyuki SUZUKI Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Hiroya IKEDA Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Masahide AOGAME Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Yasuhiko KUSUNOKI Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Suguru IKEJIMA Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Daisuke HORIMOTO Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Sakiko SHIMIZU "].
Is there anyway we can handle this scenario to disable the accounts?