Salesforce : Failed to disable the accounts on salesforce whose account is NSP reviewer

Salesforce : Failed to disable the accounts on salesforce whose account is NSP reviewer

When user is terminated, his salesforce accounts should be disabled but getting below error.
["Cannot complete this operation. Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Nobuyuki SUZUKI Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Hiroya IKEDA Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Masahide AOGAME Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Yasuhiko KUSUNOKI Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Suguru IKEJIMA Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Daisuke HORIMOTO Cannot inactivate user that is the value of a hierarchy field: NSP Reviewer. : Sakiko SHIMIZU "].

Is there anyway we can handle this scenario to disable the accounts?


In Salesforce, you cant modify any user with Profile attribute assigned. Can you check if NSP Reviewer is Profile on SF?