Sailpoint IIQ Integration with Micosoft teams

Any one integrated with Sailpoint IIQ with Micorsoft team for below functionalities.

  1. Make role or aplication request within teams using sailpoint bot.
  2. Cancel the access request.
  3. Approve or Deny new Access Request.
  4. Get the email noftication when an access request is approved or denied.

Affter searching in many sites, i found only we can implement “Get the email noftication when an access request is approved or denied” feature.
Could you please help me any one has already impemented other feature than notification.

Hi @jchinnapareddy

Did you check this documentation I believe it will be useful:

Generally, Yes, the integration of IIQ with MS Teams enables users to perform various identity-related tasks directly within the Teams environment.

Requesting Roles or Applications: Users can initiate requests for specific roles or applications directly within Teams using the SailPoint bot.

Canceling Access Requests: If an access request is no longer needed, users have the ability to cancel it through the Teams interface.

Approving or Denying Access Requests: Designated approvers can review pending access requests and take appropriate actions, such as approval or denial, directly within Teams.

Receiving Notifications: Users receive notifications within Teams when their access requests are approved or denied, including any relevant comments.

For detailed guidance on setting up and utilizing this integration, you can refer to SailPoint’s official documentation mentioned above.

Additionally, this Video “” provides a visual overview of the SailPoint for Microsoft Teams integration.

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