Sailpoint campaign

how can i generate with this type or campaign

  • Employee Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Full Name
  • SamAccount (Domain Name)
  • UserPrincipalName (Full Name)
  • Group
  • Department
  • Team
  • Employee Number of Immediate Head
  • Immediate Head Name
  • Account Status (Active/Disabled)
  • Creation Date
  • Last Login

You want to use campaign filters and then define a campaign on that filter. You can define filters on the following criteria types.

Available filter:

Hi @nguanizo2 ,

Can you elaborate your requirement, it isn’t very clear.


@uday_kilambiCTS , the requirements it to generate a report from campaign with the following fields.

Hi Norman,

The way I would do it is with a script (powershell, ruby etc) where you

  1. Go through the campaign report CSV line by line
  2. Use API’s to look up identity attributes or account attributes
  3. Add them to the CSV

As far as I know, campaign reports are not customizable at all.

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