Sailpoint Beta API add user to role request body


I am trying to use the Sailpoint Beta API to add a user to a role using the Patch a specified Role method provided by the api. I am receiving the following errors:


** “detailCode”: “400.1 Bad request content”,**

** “trackingId”: “2daa3242ee3f46a19d99c97c97b34f8d”,**

** “messages”: [**

** {**

** “locale”: “en-US”,**

** “localeOrigin”: “DEFAULT”,**

** “text”: “The request was syntactically correct but its content is semantically invalid.”**

** }**

** ],**

** “causes”: **


My request body looks like the following:

“op”: “add”,

“path”: “/memebership/identities/-”,

“value”: “Users Identity ID”



I have set the content type to be: application/json-patch+json.

Please advice what I am doing wrong.

Thank you.

Just a quick suggestion since it jumped out at my after reading this quickly: Check the spelling of the path value in your body. You have “memebership” where I assume you meant “membership”

Great catch, thank you. I went ahead and changed that and still running into the same error though.

@briane_bullock scratch that. I needed to include the whole object that will be added to the identity list rather than just the IdentityId for the value. Thank you for spotting my bad spelling that was a big issue as well.

@Sailboat can you please provide what object you are talikng about ?