Role Assignment

Hi Everyone,

We have a new requirement to create an approval workitem for birthright roles.

Currently, we have an assignment rule set up for the Business role, which automatically assigns the role when certain conditions are met. Instead of this automatic assignment, we need to implement a process where an approval workitem is created and sent to a workgroup. The workgroup will then review and decide whether to assign the role or not.

We would appreciate any suggestions or insights on how we can achieve this requirement. Your input will be helpful as we begin working on this.


Try to create manual role (no role assignment). Make a workgroup as role owner and request as a normal user. Depending on your current interaction you can tweak approval process to have role owner approve it.

Isin’t its raising the request for a role ? you seems like need a auto generation of access request .
I would say its really bad idea to generate access request based on the assignmnet criteria .

We are trying to implement this only for few roles which are given as birthright roles using assignment rule in Business roles.

those roles should get assigned to users based on approvals only. the reason is we are not giving access to raise request for those roles via request access card.

Then you need to generate access request via your joiner workflow.