In a workflow I have to include the REST API component and search a user in the NERM through his profile attribute. In the user’s attribute has a special character like “+” sign, while “+” sign is considered as a space in the REST API query parameter.
So, please suggest how we can replace the “+” sign with “%2B” while passing to the REST API query parameter.
NERM supports the Liquid templating language in REST API actions. (Liquid docs here: Liquid template language
With that, you could use the “url_encode” filter for the plus sign. For example, if you are making an Advanced Search API call like:
"type": "ProfileAttributeRule",
"condition_object_type": "TextFieldAttribute",
"condition_object_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"comparison_operator": "==",
"value": "{{attribute.first_name}}"
You could change that value to be encoded:
"value": "{{attribute.first_name | url_encode }}"