Report should contains NQID, Start Date, End Date, Inactive

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Version 8.3

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I need to create report. Report should contains NQID, Start Date, End Date, Inactive.

Hi @amanKsingh

Can you elaborate more the requirement?

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You can obtain it straight from Advance Analytics if all of these are identity attributes.
If any of them belong in an account, you will need to do some customizations otherwise.

I need to create report for bulk of Inactive users. Report should contains information like NQID, Start Date, End Date,

Hi @amanKsingh

You can do it like this if startDate, endDate or NQID is one of the identity Attribute

yes, can we add checkbox as inactive in choose field to display from UI config.

yes, can we add checkbox as inactive in choose field to display from UI config or is there any way to create this?.

You should be seeing it in the UI.
Its an out of the box attribute.

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