Report for finding Mismatched UserIDs

Hello Community,

I have been asked by HR to come up with a report to show user ids that are missed matched across the different connected systems. I was able to get the report to work but this is taking over 4 hours to create. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can improve the timing of this to get it down to maybe a 1 to 2 hours to run.

Python Code:

import functools
import requests
import pandas as pd
import json
import os
from datetime import datetime

def getBearerToken(clientId, clientSecret, baseUrl):
    token = + "/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=" + clientId + "&client_secret=" + clientSecret)
    return token

#Get the bearer token that will passed when making other api calls
tenant = "REMOVED"
baseUrl = "https://" + tenant +""
clientId = "REMOVED"
clientSec = "REMOVED"

#Get the access token to use laster on.
token = getBearerToken(clientId, clientSec, baseUrl)

#Convert the repsonse object in a json objet
jsontoken = token.json()

#Put the access token into a variable for later use
bearerToken = jsontoken['access_token']

#Set payload and header varilbles to be passed to api calls. 
payload = {}
headers = {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + bearerToken

#Time to run 1 sec
#set variables to be called later
offset = 0
apiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(offset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"2c918085838b347501839f3379be57a1\""

#Make first api call to grab accounts
workdayJsonData = requests.request("GET", apiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)

#convert to Json object
workdayResponseJsonData = workdayJsonData.json()

#get the full account number of records
numberOfRecords = int(workdayJsonData.headers['X-Total-Count'])

#build dict to store all the api responses
workdayAccounts = []
#add first api data call to dict

#loop though all the pages to collect all the user accounts reguardless of user's status
while offset < numberOfRecords:
    offset += 250
    apiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(offset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"2c918085838b347501839f3379be57a1\""
    response = requests.request("GET", apiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)

#Time to run 2392
#This section is to pull Active Directory Account in ISC
adOffset = 0
adApiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(adOffset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"2c918084838b2da60183a89af84e5324\""

adJsonData = requests.request("GET", adApiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)
adReponseData = adJsonData.json()

adNumberOfRecords = int(adJsonData.headers['X-Total-Count'])
adAccounts = []

while adOffset < adNumberOfRecords:
    adOffset += 250
    adApiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(adOffset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"2c918084838b2da60183a89af84e5324\""
    response = requests.request("GET", adApiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)
#Time to run 2286
#This section is to pull ServiceNow Account in ISC
snowOffset = 0
snowApiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(snowOffset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"2c91808784149ed901841a9ade4169cd\" and uncorrelated eq false"

snowJsonData = requests.request("GET", snowApiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)
snowReponseData = snowJsonData.json()

snowNumberOfRecords = int(snowJsonData.headers['X-Total-Count'])
snowAccounts = []

while snowOffset < snowNumberOfRecords:
    snowOffset += 250
    snowApiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(snowOffset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"2c91808784149ed901841a9ade4169cd\" and uncorrelated eq false"
    response = requests.request("GET", snowApiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)
#Time to run 7999
#This section is to pull NERM Account in ISC
nermOffset = 0
nermApiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(nermOffset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"2c918084838b2da601839f98aba93dba\""

nermJsonData = requests.request("GET", nermApiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)
nermReponseData = nermJsonData.json()

nermNumberOfRecords = int(nermJsonData.headers['X-Total-Count'])
nermAccounts = []

while nermOffset < nermNumberOfRecords:
    nermOffset += 250
    nermApiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(nermOffset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"2c918084838b2da601839f98aba93dba\""
    response = requests.request("GET", nermApiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)

#Build Base Report from the 4 DataFrames

workdayDataFrame = pd.json_normalize(workdayAccounts)
adDataFrame = pd.json_normalize(adAccounts)
snowDataFrame = pd.json_normalize(snowAccounts)
nermDataFrame  = pd.json_normalize(nermAccounts)
workdayReindexed = workdayDataFrame.reindex(columns=['identityId', 'cloudLifecycleState', '', 'attributes.USERID','attributes.FILENUMBER'])
adReindexed = adDataFrame.reindex(columns=['identityId', 'cloudLifecycleState', '', 'attributes.newSamAccountName'])
snowReindexed = snowDataFrame.reindex(columns=['identityId', 'cloudLifecycleState', '', 'attributes.user_name'])
nermReindexed = nermDataFrame.reindex(columns=['identityId', 'cloudLifecycleState', '', 'attributes.uid', 'attributes.sailpoint_username_ne_attribute'])
#framesToMerge = [workdayGrouped, adGrouped, snowGrouped,nermdayGrouped]
#baseReprot = functools.reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left,right,on=['identityId'],how='outer'), framesToMerge)
baseReport = workdayGrouped.merge(adGrouped,on=['identityId','','cloudLifecycleState'],how='left').merge(snowGrouped,on=['identityId','','cloudLifecycleState'],how='left').merge(nermdayGrouped,on=['identityId','','cloudLifecycleState'],how='left')
renamedHeadersBaseReprot = baseReport.rename(columns={'identityId': "SailPointUID", 'cloudLifecycleState': "CloudLifeCycleState", '': "UserDisplayName", 'attributes.USERID': "WorkdaySamAccountName", 'attributes.FILENUMBER': "WorkdayEEID", 'attributes.uid': "SecZettaEEID", 'attributes.newSamAccountName': "ADSamAccountName", 'attributes.user_name': "ServiceNowSamAccountName", 'attributes.sailpoint_username_ne_attribute': "SecZettaSamAccountName"})
renamedHeadersBaseReprot[["SailPointUID", "CloudLifeCycleState", "UserDisplayName",  "WorkdayEEID", "SecZettaEEID","WorkdaySamAccountName", "ADSamAccountName", "ServiceNowSamAccountName", "SecZettaSamAccountName"]]
collectionDataFrame = []
matchingCollectionDataFrame = []
for index, row in renamedHeadersBaseReprot.iterrows():
    if not str(row["WorkdaySamAccountName"]).lower() == str(row["ADSamAccountName"]).lower() == str(row["ServiceNowSamAccountName"]).lower():
    elif  str(row["WorkdaySamAccountName"]).lower() == str(row["ADSamAccountName"]).lower() == str(row["ServiceNowSamAccountName"]).lower():

collection = pd.DataFrame(collectionDataFrame)
matchingCollection = pd.DataFrame(matchingCollectionDataFrame)

finalFilter = collection.reset_index()
matchingFinalFilter = matchingCollection.reset_index()

finalReport = finalFilter[["SailPointUID", "CloudLifeCycleState", "UserDisplayName",  "WorkdayEEID", "SecZettaEEID","WorkdaySamAccountName", "ADSamAccountName", "ServiceNowSamAccountName", "SecZettaSamAccountName"]]
matchingFinalReport = matchingFinalFilter[["SailPointUID", "CloudLifeCycleState", "UserDisplayName",  "WorkdayEEID", "SecZettaEEID","WorkdaySamAccountName", "ADSamAccountName", "ServiceNowSamAccountName", "SecZettaSamAccountName"]]

datetimenow =
filename = "MisMatched_Final_Report_" + str(datetimenow.year) + '-' + str(datetimenow.month) + '-' + str(
matchingFileName = "Matching_Final_Report" + str(datetimenow.year) + '-' + str(datetimenow.month) + '-' + str(

finalReport.reset_index().to_csv(os.environ['USERPROFILE'] + '\\downloads\\' + filename + '.csv', index=False)
matchingFinalReport.reset_index().to_csv(os.environ['USERPROFILE'] + '\\downloads\\' + matchingFileName + '.csv', index=False)
fullFilterData = []
for index, row in finalFilter.iterrows():
    if not row['CloudLifeCycleState'] == 'inactive' and not pd.isna(row['ADSamAccountName']):

fullFilterDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(fullFilterData)
filternonmatchingFileName = "filternonmatching" + str(datetimenow.year) + '-' + str(datetimenow.month) + '-' + str(
fullFilterDataFrame.reset_index().to_csv(os.environ['USERPROFILE'] + '\\downloads\\' + filternonmatchingFileName + '.csv', index=False)
1 Like

here is what i would do:
Code related: use Streams for better speed.
About the algorithm:

I would grab everything from the APIS and them chew the data on the machines memory.
I just need two thing from the api: userName and IdentityName/id .
that way i can have everything before calculating the diffs and etc.

Let me try something like that.

Hi @mpotti,

First think that i will do is factorise and using unique function for account retrieving, like :

def get_bearer_token(client_id, client_secret, base_url):
    token ="{base_url}/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}")
    return token.json()['access_token']

def api_request(url, headers):
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    total_count = int(response.headers.get('X-Total-Count', 0))
    return response.json(), total_count

def fetch_accounts(base_url, headers, source_id):
    offset = 0
    accounts = []
    while True:
        api_url = f"{base_url}/v3/accounts?offset={offset}&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"{source_id}\""
        response, total_count = api_request(api_url, headers)
        if len(accounts) >= total_count:
        offset += 250
    return accounts

Then use concurent procedure for retreving all accounts from differents sources.

I will check how optmize you report generation

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I think my biggest issue is that for one of the sources the code is pulling back over 500K records.

Why there are more than 500K records ? uncorrelated accounts ?

Yes the code is currently pulling in all the accounts for each source.

You can filter only correlated accounts by using :

Or if you want to combine your sourceId :"

or in python : eq false and sourceId eq "yourSourceId"

Thank you I am trying that now with my largest source. With the filter logic in place last night it had failed to run. I am hoping with this filter that it cuts the time to process way down. From 7999 secs to something more in line with 2286 secs.

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Okay, let me know if it’s work. Thanks !

This time it completed successfully. Total number of records was 144810 and took 8123 seconds to complete. What is odd is that the other sources have about this many records if not a few more and take a faction of the time to complete. Not sure why this one takes to long to process. Any ideas?


#This section is to pull ServiceNow Account in ISC
snowOffset = 0
snowApiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(snowOffset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"{{SourceID}}\" and uncorrelated eq false"

snowJsonData = requests.request("GET", snowApiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)
snowReponseData = snowJsonData.json()

snowNumberOfRecords = int(snowJsonData.headers['X-Total-Count'])
snowAccounts = []

while snowOffset < snowNumberOfRecords:
    snowOffset += 250
    snowApiUrl = baseUrl + "/v3/accounts?offset=" + str(snowOffset) +"&limit=250&count=true&filters=sourceId eq \"{{SourceID}}\" and uncorrelated eq false"
    response = requests.request("GET", snowApiUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)

It’s may be the communication delay beetween SNOW & your virtual appliance.

How many record do you have in this source ?

Currently on this source we 586928 Accounts, 4029 Entitlements.
I am using the correlated filter which would bring that number down to 144810 accounts. But it acts like it is ignoring that filter and running for the entire list. When I compare the amount of time to process it is right around the same time without the filter.

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