Remove Efix for Identity IQ

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.2

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How to remove the current efixe for Identity IQ ?
Please assist me with the steps or procedure to remove the efixes.

When I removed the class files provided by the efix, still those are shown in the product information.

Do you use SSD or manual installation?

We are doing manual deployements

Hope you have restarted the servers after doing this and the steps are done on all servers.

Also have you deleted the filer under WEB-INF\efixes along with above steps.

If not done, please do this and restart the servers and check.

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You can delete the files that were extracted from the IdentityIQ installation.

  1. Files inside WEB-INF\efixes
  2. Jar files in WEB-INF\lib
  3. Then replace the original jar files in WEB-INF\lib from your backup identityiq.war
  4. Restart the server

It’s working.
Thank you team.



efix - generally we get only few class files / jar file updated replacing that will old one will work.

patch - this generally contain class / jar / xmls /xhtml / sql and other files , so always it’s better to take the file backup and database backup so that in case you need to revert it back you can get to old database and revert to old file system.

GA - same as patch .

So i would say better take a decision based on the changes which is coming as part of efix , but its always better to take backups .

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