While testing out the examples from the document and the issue the user in the other topic was having I noticed that the search was not respecting case when put into the search. Actually, it was not returning anything when you used Capitals within the search regex expressions.
For my tenant, we have the standard demo user “Ashley.Simpson”. I used the following searches to locate this user:
Simple matching syntax:
attributes.displayName:As* - Worked
attributes.displayName:as* - Worked
attributes.displayName:/as.*/ - Worked
attributes.displayName:/[a]s.*/ - Worked
attributes.displayName:/As.*/ - DID NOT WORK
attributes.displayName:/[A]s.*/ - DID NOT WORK
So it looks like if you try and use a Regular Expression with a Capital in it, it will not return any results. I looked over the documentation linked and there is no mention of case being an issue with Regex either, so this seems like a possibly bug or undocumented feature.
Hey Geoff. Thanks for pointing this out, as it is not intuitive what you need to do in order to enable case sensitivity. Please see this post for how to search when case matters.
Thanks for the additional details that were posted in the other article. I reviewed both the original link you posted there and the new link you posted. Neither of those links (or the search section of the second one) mention that the default behavior is to only use lower case, nor is there a mention that if you use upper case, that the search will fail to return results, even if you have data that would match the search. This seems like an area for improvement in the documentation at minimum.
Additionally, the use of the “.exact” keyword will not work for other fields outside the specified ones, For Example the department field, which has a value of “Doctors”.
attributes.department:do* - Works
attributes.department:Do* - Works
attributes.department:/do./ - Works
attributes.department:/Do./ - Does Not Work
attributes.department.exact:/Do.*/ - Does Not Work
Is there a recommended approach to handle this situation if the Regex is needed with case-sensitivity?
Agreed. This behavior could be better called out. I have opened a docs ticket to have them look into a better way to explain the default behavior.
As for your issue with department, the docs state that the .exact keyword is available for use with the following fields and field types:
All identity extended attributes
Other free text fields
This means you should be able to use it for any identity attribute and other free form text fields. For what it’s worth, I also tested this on a department field and was able to successfully search based on upper case.
Just wanted to share that the docs team has updated the search docs to be more explicit about how case sensitivity works and when to use .exact. This should be clearer for future readers.