in this case you can use the tokenization of ssb; in your file you have all the tokens like your second image and on the other file you can put the token, like this:
String appName = “%%appName%%”.
When you deploy this rule from ecplipse or vscode, the ssb put the value of token.
Hi @enistri_devo understand the point about the, but would like to understand in the rule if I were to create <entry key = "appName" value = "%%appName%%"/>
How do I call it in the Java source?
String appName = appName; [is this how it is supposed to be called?]
depeds how you want to do. The tokenization replaces all string between %%, with the value of some string contains in your You can use like that:
<entry key = "appName" value = "%%appName%%"/>
or String appName = “%%appName%%”
in both cases SSB replace %%appName%% with ACB123APP, for example.
for %%appName%% = ACB123APP the result will be: <entry key = "appName" value = "%ACB123APP"/>
or String appName = “ACB123APP”
Also, you can configure multiple file for each enviroment and use different values for different enviroment for the same file.
For example, or