Has anyone tried retrieving the account attribute in the cloud rule using idn.getAccountAttribute passing arguments Application, unique account ID, and attributename(value of the property you want to read)
* Gets the String value of an attribute from an account on an application.
* @param applicationName The application name.
* @param nativeIdentity The native identity of the account.
* @param attribute The name of the attribute to retrieve.
* @return The attribute value or null if the attribute does not exist.
* @throws GeneralException wrapping underlying DB related errors
String getAccountAttribute(String applicationName, String nativeIdentity, String attribute)
What is the applicationName format here?, I cannot play with trial and error due to the cloud rule deployment process!
@iamology Thank You for than reply!. That already tried and did not. work. If you notice my snippet above appName, I am using [source] which is not working.
1st argument is your source name.
2nd argument is your distinguishedName(its a value)
3rd argument is which attribute you want to read from account(its a name of the attribute)