RACF TLS Configuration

Hi All,

Has anyone successfully implemented TLS for RACF Source? The documentation seems unclear and leaves several steps open to interpretation. Here are my questions for clarification:

  • The documentation at Configure TLS Between SailPoint and the Connector Gateway mentions using the API endpoint /api/source/update/sourceID, but it appears this endpoint has been deprecated. Therefore, the documentation needs to be updated to reflect the current API endpoints.

  • Additionally, the documentation discusses the use of a file called encryptionKeyFile but does not provide instructions on how to generate this file.

  • Regarding enabling Mutual TLS Authentication, Step 3 requires keystore information, but it’s unclear whether this refers to a custom keystore that needs to be created or the default keystore.jks file, which only the root user can access.

  • Furthermore, in Step 5, the documentation mentions exporting a certificate from VA, but it doesn’t specify which certificate this refers to or how to export it.