I noticed that while we do some customization in the SailPointBundle.js or SailPointClassicBundle.js then we will need to restart the tomcat. Looks like this requires some kind of compliation? Any idea about this?
Also, does anyone know what’s the relation between SailPointBundle.js and SailPointClassicBundle.js, also SailPointBundleLibrary.js ?
SailPointBundle.js and SailPointClassicBundle.js - I believe each of these bundles contains a different set of js for different screens in the product. I think that when you modify one of these files, it is necessary to restart the application server because it will rebundle/minify the .js files during startup. Not 100% confident in this, but it sure sounds like it makes sense…
SailPointBundleLibrary.js - this is a handy tool for developers of plugins, if they want to include/implement any SailPoint styled angular components in the UI elements of their plugins.
One additional question: in case we should like to develope a simple plugin which need to modify a angularJS element in the SailPointBundle.js.
(This is related to Account Selection form, we add “| filter:searchText”)
<div ng-repeat="accountInfo in ctrl.getCurrentStep().provisioningTarget.accountInfos | filter:searchText”>\n
<p>I am thinking can we use JQuery to recomplile the ng-repeat component? How in this case, what’s you advice to use plugin solution to custom the Account Selection form.</p>
<p>Thanks and regards,<br>
It seems you can use a Plugin to modify the DOM, removing ng-repeat and replacing it with custom-repeat, then do the thing from the SO thread to recompile it.