PUSH NERM user's attribute update into IDN

Hi All,

  1. We updated an attribute value (Manager’s first name, last name and email) in
  2. This update was done using an UPDATE workflow
  3. Now we are trying to push this change to IDN once the workflow triggers and the
    update is done, not wanting to wait until the next aggregation on the ISC side
  4. In the ISC tenant, we have configured a secondary for Assignment profile type
    where the manager update is supposed to happen.
  5. One way, that we thought was by using the REST API action in the UPDATE
    workflow and try to trigger single account aggregation in ISC
  6. I want to find a way on how to go about solving this use case.

Thanks all

Hey there - You should be able to do exactly what you are saying and we have seen folks build workflows with those exact steps before.

I believe the ISC API endpoint you want is : submit-reload-account | SailPoint Developer Community

That should perform a single account aggregation with a given Account ID. You would need the Account ID for this to work, so you may need to do a search for that first with something like: list-accounts | SailPoint Developer Community in another REST API action, and use the data mapping to store the Account ID in an attribute. You can then reference that in the Reload account call.

Example data mapping from the List Accounts call:

And then to reference that for reload accounts, we would use Liquid ( {{ attribute.account_id }} ):

https://sailpoint.api.identitynow.com/v2024/accounts/{{ attribute.account_id }}/reload

Hi Zachary,
Thank you for your response.
I have a quick question.
Do you think the above mentioned method will work for SailPoint Non-Employee Risk Management connector in ISC side, since I was thinking that this connector does have not configuration for single account aggregation.

Ah - you may be correct… This may not work with the OOTB NERM connector - I was initially thinking of the Web Services connector which this should work with

That’s what I thought. Thank you for clarifying.