Provisioning Simulator Plugin

:spiral_notepad: Description Provisioning Simulator Plugin for IIQ
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:hospital: Supported by Community Developed
:handshake: Partner Developed Ventum Digital Identity Services


This integration is usefull whenever it’s needed to stop or filter provisioning to certain target application. It allows to create “Sync Preview” report which shows all potential changes which would happen to the target accounts if provisioning would have been enabled. It’s particularly usefull during implementation of target mapping changes on production environments where it’s not always possible to confirm data quality upfront.


Main module of this plugin is integration config with it’s executor therefore both needs do be deployed to the IIQ instance. Additionaly Provisioning Simulator is using extended hibernate object model for storing data so it also needs to be deployed to the IIQ server.

At the moment solution is tested with IIQ version 8.4.


Detailed installation instruction is located under /doc directory in the integration repo. High level installation steps:

  • Compile java classes
  • Deploy them to the tomcat into $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/identityiq/WEB-INF/classes
  • Restart tomcat
  • Extend database schema
  • Import integration config xmls
  • Configure application interceptor