(Adrien Cosson)
March 24, 2025, 4:13pm
Hi folks,
We need to provision the departmentNumber in OpenLDAP as a multi-valued attribute.
Below is the current setup :
An identity attribute named “openldapDepartmentNumber ”, which contains the expected format "Option 1, Option 2,Option 3
A source OpenLDAP on which the attribute “departmentNumber ” has been set to “Multi-Valued” in Account Schema
A provisioning policy with the below JSON for attribute “departmentNumber ” :
"name": "departmentNumber",
"transform": {
"type": "identityAttribute",
"attributes": {
"name": "openldapDepartmentNumber"
"attributes": {
"cloudDelimiter": ","
"isRequired": false,
"type": "string",
"isMultiValued": true
Attribute sync for “departmentNumber ” is enabled and update is performed when identity data gets updated.
Current output is the attribute being provisioned as one string with separated valued, instead of being sent as multiple lines.
Anyhelp is much appreciated !
(Krishna Mummadi)
March 24, 2025, 4:20pm
It should work.
Are you facing this issue while creating account or updating account or both ?
(Rakesh Bhati)
March 24, 2025, 4:25pm
Hi Adrien,
Have you check the below link. Please let me know after following the below link you are not able to provision multivalued attribute in target.
(Adrien Cosson)
March 24, 2025, 5:29pm
Hello Krishna,
It works on Account Creation.
I am trying on update now and will revert to you.
(Adrien Cosson)
March 24, 2025, 5:46pm
Hi Rakesh,
It seems my implementation is working fine on Create , but sends a String on Update .
EDIT : I have read the provided document but there is no additional indication for managing the same during the Update.
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(Rakesh Bhati)
March 24, 2025, 6:17pm
@acosson : Can you please check this link. We can achieve this using a cloud rule
At the time of writing this document, IdentityNow’s identity attributes do not support storing multivalued attributes or strings with over 450 characters in an identity attribute. Due to this, account attributes with these types attributes are unable to be attribute synced through the normal process.
Configuring Multivalued Attribute Sync
This document covers the process to attribute sync a multivalued account attribute from one source to another source.
1. Identify Attributes to Sync
Such a fragmented approach to do essentially the same thing (attribute lands on the target object, regardless of create or update). …and…it’s been 18months+ since that post.
(Rakesh Bhati)
March 25, 2025, 10:45am
Agreed @IIQUserOnCompass , I think the best option here to use a before Provisioning rule and make changes before provisioning
Yeah, agree. Unfortunately so.