Proper way to implement multi-threading for bulk role import


I am new to SailPoint. We have a requirement where we need to import bulk role (Let’s assume around 20k) from csv file. I have implement the same and it is working fine. I used ExecutorService to create thread pool.

Depending upon partition size that we enter it will create that much no. of partitons and assign each thread to process one partiton. I have done this through custom task and it is working fine.

But the only problem is while processing this the UI gets freeze and once all processing is complete UI works properly.

Please guide me how can I improve this. Like I saw refresh Identity task run smoothly even if we turn on partitions. The refresh Identity Task does not freeze UI and it process in the background.

Can you please help me regarding this.

Thansk in advance!

Hi @vishwajeet-waychal

Welcome to SailPoint Developer Community!!
Aren’t you using separate servers as task and UI server?

Hi @Jarin_James

Thank you for your reply.

No, I am not using seperate server for task and UI. Currently I installed SailPoint in my local machine with tomcat as server.

Is it possible for you to tell me how can I configure different servers please?

Hi @vishwajeet-waychal

Since the setup is in your local environment, you won’t need separate UI and Task server. I am adding few resources on UI and Task Server separation.

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