Population / Dynamic Group as Email Recipient

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Version 8.3

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I’m creating a report that needs to be sent monthly to the managers of active identities. From what I’ve seen, only Identities and Workgroups can be defined as Emails Recipients.

Is there a way to send the report to a Population? If this isn’t possible, is there a way to change the users in a Workgroup dynamically?

Hi @bruno-co ,

You can get a list of identities within the population by applying the following logic.

  List emailList = new ArrayList();
  QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions();
  GroupDefinition def = context.getObject(GroupDefinition.class,"Test-Population");
 Filter filter = def.getFilter();
 List IdentityList = context.getObjects(Identity.class, qo);
 for(Identity identity:IdentityList){

you can set this emailList to To address.

 EmailOptions emailops = new EmailOptions();

Thanks for the reply @Arun-Kumar.

Is there a way to configure this logic in the report? Or do I have to change the process for sending emails?