Plugins - Angular / Material Design / Material Icons

I am sorry that actually, I am not really sure to use the SailPointBundleLibrary directives (AngularJS) within Angular project. In my use case, I mainly use this since I would like to call PluginBaseHelper within Angular. For example:

declare const PluginHelper: {
  getCsrfToken: Function
  getPluginRestUrl: Function
  getCurrentUsername: Function
constructor(private http : HttpClient) {
    if (environment.production) {
      this.pluginUrl = PluginHelper.getPluginRestUrl('xxxx');
      this.iiqUrl = window.location.origin + "/" + window.location.pathname.split('/')[1];
      this.token = PluginHelper.getCsrfToken();
      this.currentUserName = PluginHelper.getCurrentUsername();
    } else {
      this.pluginUrl = 'http://xxxxxx:8080/identityiq/plugin/rest/xxxx';
      this.iiqUrl = 'http://xxxxxx:8080/identityiq';
      this.currentUserName = 'spadmin';

This is helpful especially for RESTful API calls.

Best regards,