Plugin scriptPackages not available in Customization rule

We are setting up a library plugin to get the possibility to install custom java code “on-the-fly” without any regular deployment.

The plugin installation is successful and the packages are marked as “scriptPackages” in the manifest.xml.

When we run a regular test rule with references to the plugin’s java code from the debug page the code can be found and processed.
When we use plugin java class in IdentitySelector rule, the code can be found and processed.

However, we cannot use plugin java code in the customization(ResourceObjectCustomization) rule,
or before provisioning(BeforeProvisioning) rule.

I tried the following to fix the issue;

I changed the customization rule name.
I upload the plugin several times.
I restarted the tomcat after uploading the plugin.
I changed the java class name.
Still, We get a class not found error when we trigger an aggregation task.

Is there a limitation for using plugin classes with different types of BeanShell?
Such as the Plugin class cannot be used in Customization/Before provisioning rule etc.

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