Permanently Remove Azure Guest Accounts

Using IIQ v8.3

When the Azure Connector was initially implemented, all accounts (Guest and Member) were aggregated into IIQ.

How would you go about removing all of the ‘Guest’ accounts? Most are orphaned but some are correlated to an Identity.

Once they were cleared from the system, what would be the best mechanism to ensure aggregation does not pull in ‘Guest’ accounts again?

Thanks for any ideas!

You can write a little Customization Rule for Azure application that checks if the account type is “Guest” and then return null.
This way you won’t be getting these accounts back to IdentityIQ.
Hope this helps you!

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Hello, thanks for replying!
Would that effectively both remove existing links and stop future links?

Thanks again.

Yes, but remember that after that rule, you will need to run an “Account Aggregation” with the “Detect deleted accounts” checked to delete the “Guest” or whatever accounts you are excluding in the rule.
Best regards.

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I managed to delete ALL of the links, not just the ‘Guest’ links.

My first go around I forgot to declare my String. No error, but did delete all links.

Now this is what I’m attempting -

import sailpoint.object.ResourceObject;

String azuserType = object.getStringAttribute("userType");

//Check for userType
     if(azuserType != "Member"){
          return null;

I was trying ‘account.getStringAttribute’, but that gave me errors. I looked at a different customization rule and saw it was using ‘object.getStringAttribute’, but still not having luck getting the accounts re-aggregated, but it did stop erroring…

Appreciate any assistance, thank you!

Well, you could try something more like this:

if (object.getAttribute("userType") != null){
  if (object.getStringAttribute("userType").equals("Guest")){
     return null;

return object;

Personally I had some troubles in IdentityIQ when comparing Strings with “==” and “!=”, I highly recommend to use “equals” method instead for this kind of conditionals.

Hope that helps!!

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I can’t thank you enough for your help and extra guidance! That did the trick.
You don’t know how valuable the help I get from members of this forum is to me! I’ll continue to learn bit by bit thanks to folks like you.

Take care, and thanks again.

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Really appreciate your words mate!! =D
Glad to help anytime I can.
You’re welcome and take care!

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