Patch Role Remove Access Profile

Trying to remove an access profile with https://{tenant}{id}

        "op": "remove",
        "path": "/accessProfiles/-",
        "value": {
            "type": "ACCESS_PROFILE",
            "id": "2c9180847353ddeb01735925f7990cca"

Getting The error below. Any thing i’m doing wrong?

    "detailCode": "400.1 Bad request content",
    "trackingId": "6fe3261548ea402cb6c296e1519eaec2",
    "messages": [
            "locale": "en-US",
            "localeOrigin": "DEFAULT",
            "text": "The request was syntactically correct but its content is semantically invalid."
    "causes": []

Hey @SailAway ,

I tried this and was successfully able to remove the access profile. I used postman and tried the below process :

  • API Call :

https://{tenant}{role id}

  • Authorization

Bearer Token

  • Headers
    (Create key and value in ‘Headers’ as below)

Key : Content-Type
Value : application/json-patch+json

  • Body
    (seems like you have a “-” beside “accessProfiles”. Please remove)

“op”: “remove”,
“path”: “/accessProfiles”,
“value”: {
“id”: “{access profile id}”

Let me know if this helps?




Access profile value should be in array. Also I noticed SP removing all Access profiles.

“path”: “/accessProfiles”,
“op”: “replace”,
“value”: [
“id”: “*****”,

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