We have some accounts on Azure which are not linked to the on prem AD. We want to create a source for such accounts in the identity now and use it for provisioning. The challenge here is how do i share the password to the end user whose account has been created. What can i explore for self service password reset?? What your thoughts on this?
I do see the option 3 from the documentation promising. Does any one know more about these?
What we did for the same use case was creating the account with an unknown password (the most secure option) using the password generator on the Create profile. Then we updated the new account creation email to guide the users to use the IDN password manager to change their newly created account password.
Hi @vikramsah the email template is available on the tenant already through Admin → Global → Email Templates → New Account Provisioned. You can then customize the email to add your branding and include the details around password reset.