Password-Interceptor for AD

Hello, I am having issues with the installation of PWI for AD v.24.0.0. The service gets installed successfully. I have restarted the server afterward, but the service won’t start. I also enabled debug logging, but the log file remains empty.

Is there an installation guide available that is up-to-date and not from 2017? I am using IIQ Version 8.3.

Thank you!

Hi @crl11,

this is the last guide: PWi

review it, maybe you jump some steps and check the permssions

Thanks, the service is now running. It was timing out, but by adjusting the .config, it was fixed.
Now I’m wondering, what do I need to adjust in IIQ? I can’t find anything about it in the documentation


PWI detect the password change on AD and send a notification to SP.
Also, you have the wf in sp:

this wf, compile and lanch a plan to provisioning the new password to every application you have configured for it.

On the Guide you can find all info

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