Pagination script for Account Aggregation

Can someone please help me with the pagination script for below URL to aggregate accounts? Thanks!


I’m receiving “No Paging steps defined for endpoint” error in CCG logs

Hi @JackSparrow ,

You need to configure the Paging tab of your endpoint configuration to achieve this.

Declare your inital offset as 1 (referring to pageNumber as 1 and can be referred as $offset$) and Page sizing as 25 (which can be referred as $limit$ variable) in your script.

And lastly, write the script with appropriate condition. For example, if you have a varilable called totalpages in your response. You can write the script as below:

TERMINATE_IF $offset$ >= $response.totalPages$
$offset$ = $offset$ + 1
$endpoint.fullUrl$ = $application.baseUrl$ + "/fusion/core/rest/api/0/users?pageNumber="+$offset$+"&resultsPerPage="+$limit$+"&type=company&COMPANY_ID=1"

Hope this helps.

Uday Kilambi

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Thanks much @uday_kilambiCTS. Will check this and update here

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