[Oracle HCM] Test Connection return issue

Hi Everyone,

Checking if anyone has use the new Oracle HCM connector and encounter the below issue:

While we are trying to make the connection to SFTP with PGP, the issue pops up mentioned “Poor PGP. Signatures not found”

Checked the CCG log and it return message as “Ignoring request for class =‘class sailpoint.object.CorrelationConfig’ nameOrID ’ ’ as its not a supported class or defined as ignorable”

Does anyone face this issue before, is that some issue with the key?

Dear @wyung,

Fellow the below url to trouble shoot the issue.
Resolution: Ensure you are using PGP Public Key or PGP Private Key in the correct format as generated by the Oracle Fusion HCM system during configuration. For example:


Version: BCPG v1.71





For more information on the PGP Public Key or PGP Private Key, refer to Connection SettingsConnection Settings.

Dear @Sivakrishna1993,

Yes using the correct format on both PGP private and public key, but still returning issue. Was able to extract the file using the key.

Dear @wyung ,

Have you checked with network team any firewalls stoping? and have you configured host.yaml in the VA.

Try this if not

1.Access the VA with the sailpoint user.
2.Run the following command to set the VA hostname:
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname
3.Run the hostname command to validate.
4.Reboot the VA:
sudo reboot
5.The VA should reflect the new hostname.
Edit “vi /home/sailpoint/hosts.yaml” or edit on your device and scp it to the VA. Add the VA’s host information.

Enter any entries needed in the /etc/hosts file

Note: A space is needed between each key: value


Best Regards,

Dear @Sivakrishna1993,

Checked on the network and firewall already. No blockage between VA and SFTP Server, we are able to access the SFTP Server from VA.

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