Open Source Slack integration

There is an existing integration between Slack and SailPoint IDN for access requests through Slack. Our organization uses Mattermost instead of Slack but as the workflows are very similar it would be tremendously helpful if SailPoint could either open-source the Slack app or provide the code by other means to adapt it for use with Mattermost.

Hey Florian, welcome to the SailPoint Developer Community! I think that’s actually a great idea, too!

I’ve just messaged our PM team internally to see if they might consider open-sourcing their Slack integration. I’ll let you know what I come up with.

WHat are you thinking use-case wise for the Mattermost integration? All the same features for the Slack integration? Anything you’d do differently?

I think the most urgent functionality would be access requests but I see opportunity to schedule recertifications on demand (for the revoke scenario).

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