On Leave Transform - Workday

Hello Folks,
The transform shown below appears to be working for about 80% of users whom have been marked as “On Leave/FMLA” in Workday. The issue lies with the remaining 20%. From what I can gather, the transform functions for users on their first Leave of Absence. Any user on their second LOA returns with “no” for on leave. Any help is appreciated!

On Leave Fix - Lookup

Hi David!

Can you verify the attributes being sent from Workday are accurate? I’m wondering if the issue is on the Workday end of things, not ISC.


Hi @davidballew,

Can you please describe what possible values are coming from your Workday source into identity now for this attribute?
If the value that is coming from your workday source into identity now is a string “On Leave/FMLA”, then please use that value in the transform instead of 0 and 1.
For eg:
“table” : {
“On Leave/FMLA” : “yes”,
“default” : “no”

OR if it’s 0 and 1, then try using

“table” : {
“1” : “yes”,
“default” : “no”


For 2nd LOA, what is the value Transform returning and what is the incoming value (attribute value in workday) ?

From the looks of it, this seems a data / connector issue, not a transform issue. As mentioned above, please make sure to check for these accounts what the LOA data looks like after aggregation.


i think a table is really overcomplicating things here, to be honest. you only have two cases: true and false (well, and a third case of null, i guess).

consider the following instead:

    "name": "OnLeave",
    "type": "static",
    "attributes": {
        "onLeave": {
            "attributes": {
                "values": [
                        "type": "accountAttribute",
                        "attributes": {
                            "attributeName": "ON_LEAVE",
                            "sourceName": "Workday"
            "type": "firstValid"
        "value": "#if($onLeave=='1')Yes#{else}No#end"
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Hi @davidballew,

You can try this static transform suggested by @mcorsillo_bose to see if the issue is with the look up transform or the data from workday. Also, update the if-else condition as per the data that is being aggregated on to SailPoint. Make sure there are no encoding issues by downloading and validating the accounts export for the workday source on SailPoint.

Thank you.
Shanmukh Gali