Object Mapping in Config-Hub


I need to move around 50 sources from one tenant to another tenant. In source tenant, the owner is different for all 50 sources. Now, when I am creating the draft then it’s giving me reference issue because some of the owner identity doesn’t exist in target tenant (or account name is different in taget tenant). Is it possible to set a object mapping rule in such a way that all source owners can be change to single owner?(Attaching screenshot which I tried, but it’s not working)

Hey Deepak,

Similar to $.owner.name have you tried using $.owner.id? I think it should work if you provide the uuid generated of the expected source owner’s identity.


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Hi @deepakarora ,

You should be able to replace the owner id values as well if you declare the old id and new reference id with the json path $.owner.id.

Also, I made an observation 10 months ago during the initial days of configHub, sailpoint tried to match the owner based on the name since the id is not found. Not sure, if it still works by name after multiple updates to ConfigHub since then.

Uday Kilambi

Hi Deepak - As suggested above - try $.owner.id as it will replace the GUID under id field -

Tried this as well but same reference error.

Hi @deepakarora ,

Original value here isn’t *, it should be the id of the owner as per your source tenant.


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Hi @deepakarora ,

Replace the * in original value with the “source owner id” which have been present in the source tenant.

As, the original value is something like the direct value which is present in the source tenant.

Gokul :slightly_smiling_face:

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