I’m trying to use datecompare transform. I’m receiving null pointer exception for below transform. Not all the users have lastlogon value. only few users have, so I’m getting expected values after applying transform for users who have lastlogon. But i’m receiving null pointer exception for users who has no lastlogon value.
Can someone help me to correct the error.
"attributes": {
"negativeCondition": "FUTUREDATE",
"positiveCondition": "PASTDATE",
"firstDate": {
"attributes": {
"id": "Example_Testlogon"
"type": "reference"
"operator": "GT",
"secondDate": {
"attributes": {
"expression": "now-0d",
"roundUp": false
"type": "dateMath"
"ignoreErrors": "true",
"type": "dateCompare"
"name": "IHDATE_Testlogon"
"name": "Example_Testlogon",
"type": "firstValid",
"attributes": {
"ignoreErrors": "true",
"values": [
"attributes": {
"expression": "+45d",
"input": {
"attributes": {
"input": {
"attributes": {
"attributeName": "lastLogonTimestamp",
"sourceName": "AD Test"
"type": "accountAttribute"
"inputFormat": "EPOCH_TIME_WIN32",
"outputFormat": "ISO8601"
"type": "dateFormat"
"roundUp": true
"type": "dateMath"
"internal": false