Not able to open the application definition

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Application Definition.xml (129.7 KB)

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Hi SailPoint,

In our lower environment, I am not able to open the application definition for one of our application and receiving the error (please refer to the image attached.). I couldn’t find anything on the error code 11403445 on the internet.
I have attached the XML for the application from debug page. I am new to SailPoint and would really appreciate if the experts can assist me with troubleshooting. Thank you.

You’ll want to go to advanced analytics and select syslog for the search type and then enter that number as the incident number. It should give you a stack trace about the error.

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Hi @phodgdon, thanks for your prompt reply. I have been able to extract the syslog for the incident code 11403445.

Found the error and fixed it in the debug page of the application. I am able to access the application definition now.

remove below line from your xml , seems to be duplicate

    <Form name="Create Oracle IDCS Account Form(ERP)">
          <entry key="pageTitle" value="Create Oracle IDCS Account Form(ERP)"/>
      <Section name="Section 1">
        <Field displayName="User Type" name="userType" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>String identityType = identity.getAttribute("type");
String userType = null;

if (identityType != null &amp;&amp; identityType.equals("BusinessPartner")) {
    userType = "External";
} else if (identityType != null) {
    userType = "Internal";

return userType;</Source>
        <Field displayName="User Name" name="userName" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getAttribute("ctmProfileId");</Source>
        <Field displayName="Given Name" name="name.givenName" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getFirstname();</Source>
        <Field displayName="Family Name" name="name.familyName" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getLastname();</Source>
        <Field displayName="Display Name" name="displayName" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getDisplayName();</Source>
        <Field displayName="Primary Email" name="" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getEmail();</Source>
        <Field displayName="Secondary Email" name="emails.recovery.secondary.value" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getEmail();</Source>
        <Field displayName="isFederatedUser" name="isFederatedUser" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>return "True";</Source>
        <Field displayName="active" name="active" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>return "True";</Source>
        <Field displayName="Formatted Name" name="name.formatted" required="true" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getDisplayName();</Source>
        <Field displayName="Title" name="title" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getAttribute("ctmPrimaryJobTitle");</Source>
        <Field displayName="Street Address" name="" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getAttribute("ctmAddressLine1s");</Source>
        <Field displayName="City" name="" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getAttribute("ctmCities");</Source>
        <Field displayName="Postal Code" name="" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getAttribute("ctmPostCodes");</Source>
        <Field displayName="State" name="" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getAttribute("ctmStates");</Source>
        <Field displayName="Country" name="" type="string">
            <Source>return "AU";</Source>
        <Field displayName="Work Phone Number" name="" type="string">
            <Source>return identity.getAttribute("ctmMobilePhoneNumber");</Source>

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