Non-Employee End Date Reminder

Is there any more detail on how these are triggered? I’ve looked through the documentation but couldn’t find anything.

I ask as I’ve tried to test it for non employee users by changing their end dates to be 7/8/6 days from now (to rule out any TZ related issues) but just can’t seem to get this one to trigger. Even left users to organically go into end date - 7 with overnight refreshes and still no luck

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Hi Rishabh,

I can’t think of any reason why this email template wouldn’t work as designed, which means it’s possibly a bug. Our support team is better equipped to investigate bugs in customer tenants than community members are. Can you please submit a support ticket? You might also try asking your question in our Compass community, which specializes in assisting admins with the configuration and operation of IDN’s out-of-the-box features, like email templates. The developer community focuses more on extending IDN beyond what is provided in the product, typically via APIs.

Thanks Colin, I’ll raise a support ticket but in the interim is it possible to know how this particular notification is triggered? Does it have any dependencies on identity refreshes or is it managed by a different job?

Did you use a NELM source type to create these non-employee identities? Is there an identity profile associated with this NELM source type? If so, then you might try checking that the template has email notifications enabled. Here is a support article outlining the steps to take.


None of the emails for non-employee management are being sent from IdentityNow.


The notification preferences may have been changed to disable the EMAIL medium.

Use the /beta/getNotificationPreference API to view the preferences and see if the EMAIL medium is present for the template.

Example with email enabled:
Example with email disabled:


Use this call to add the EMAIL medium to the template:


Thanks Colin, yes these identities were created using the NELM source type and I’ve confirmed that the email template is present on the template including in the notification preferences.
I’ve gone as far as to delete the modified template and restore default but without much luck.

Sorry to hear this is still an issue. At this point the support team will have to step in to investigate your tenant logs to see what the issue might be.

Anyone else trundling past this, the issue happened to be with my email template.

Edit: Apologies I never posted the details of the solution and my memory is quite vague but it had to with the velocity I was using in it. Reverting to the default template was the initial resolution.


Thanks for coming back with an update! Would you mind sharing what the exact solution was?

Can you please share the solution, as we are also facing the same issue with Non employee End date reminder template.

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