Newbie question, I’m sorry
We are correcting an API issue where is was reading an account attribute from our source of truth to IdNow incorrectly. I am taking a snapshot in config hub on Monday morning incase we blow it. I also plan on running an aggregation afterwards to validate the changes have gone through without waiting for the next scheduled aggregation. I have two questions:
Running a snapshot seems easy in the training and in my sandbox. Do I have to worry about it disassociating identities or messing anything up if we do have to use it? I’m nervous to deploy a draft in prod having never done it before.
Do I need to enable Native Change Detection before I run an account aggregation in order to sync the attribute we are attempting to correct? From the documentation I think that is the right thing to do, but once again, I’m not smart, please advise.
Config hub only snapshot artifacts not Identities neither Identity Data.About you second question, the component in work here to sync the attributes is Attribute Sync. NAtive change is to detect changes in the accounts directly in the sources.
You can disable the Attribtue sync and runn it in a controled way using the option to sync the identity one by one.
Hey Ivan,
Thank you for the answer. Is there a method for snapshotting identities/identity data? Or is that just dependent on the source of truth being able to re-supply that information in the event of having to recover from config hub?
ISC has a builtin, paid, service calles Access History that works as a snapshot for the identities.
Because is a paid service, reach out to your customer CSM to discuss further.