New Capability: Privileged Task Automation!


:bangbang: SailPoint Privileged Task Automation helps organizations enhance IT operations’ efficiency, security and governance by automating and delegating the execution of repeatable privileged tasks.​

Privileged Task Automation enables your organization to:

  • Automate complex IT and privileged processes across systems
  • Reduce the need for specialized technical knowledge and manual intervention.
  • Enhance security by removing standing privileges.


Common privileged tasks performed by users require access to a credential or endpoint to complete the task. This can introduce human error and increase risks to your organization. Organizations may wish to automate common privileged tasks as a way to reduce risks and improve efficiency.


Privileged Task Automation helps organizations enhance IT operations’ efficiency, security and governance by automating and delegating the execution of repeatable privileged tasks with the following new capabilities:

  • Utilizes Identity Security Cloud’s (ISC) Workflows and Forms Engine
  • Integrates with ISC’s Credential Provider to retrieve secrets when Tasks are executed
  • New Privileged Task Automation specific out-of-the-box Workflow templates
  • Introduces the Interactive Trigger, Interactive Form, Interactive Message, Active Directory Action and Windows Server Action in Workflows.
  • Introduces Launchers and Launchpad where Tasks are executed by non-admin users
  • Uses ISC’s Entitlement model to enable built-in Governance
  • Introduces the Privileged Gateway which is a new type of virtual appliance that enables Privileged Tasks to interact with on premises and SaaS targets.

Interactive Click-through Demo

Click to explore: Privileged Task Automation

Who is affected?

Privileged Task Automation is available for Identity Security Cloud Business and Business Plus customers.

Action Required

Before using Privileged Task Automation, a Privileged Gateway needs to be deployed. The Privileged Gateway is a new type of virtual appliance that enables Privileged Tasks to interact with on premises and SaaS targets. Also, Privileged Task Automation uses Identity Security Cloud’s Credential Provider capability. Privileged Tasks use the Credential Provider to access secrets when they are launched.

Important Dates

Privileged Task Automation will begin rolling out to customer tenants mid-October, 2024.

Additional Resources

Privilege Task Automation Documentation


Hello @joutlaw, this feature was announced for Mid-October but we still not have it on our sandbox environment (at least). When is deployement planned ?

Is there a plan/schedule to implement additional credential providers, such as Delinia?